Diddy Team Swimmers - Important information
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Welcome to Coalville Diddy galas! Please find below some general information and ‘top tips’ to help you on poolside, especially if this is your first (of hopefully many!) galas!
Swim wear:
- Swimming costume (training costumes are perfect, there is no need for a racing costume)
- Coalville swimming hat (£4.50 from club shop)
- Goggles
- X2 towels (one for on poolside and one for getting dry and changed with after the gala)
- Coalville t-shirt and shorts (from club shop)
- Hoodie/jumper
- Footwear – flip flops or poolside trainers and socks
- NB Poolside clothes and footwear to be worn at all times when out of the water to keep warm between races
Drink / snack:
- Water in a bottle preferably with a sports top
- A small, healthy snack eg box of raisins, cereal bar, dried fruit. No sweets, chocolate, crisps or fizzy drinks etc
Absolutely NO devices poolside. Unlike open meets, this is a team gala and as such swimmers should be working together as a team, supporting each other, watching the racing and learning from other swimmers and teams
Info for parents:
Swimming pools are very hot for spectators – wear cool clothing and bring water!
On arrival at a venue:
There will be Coalville helpers and swimmers present (wearing Coalville blue and yellow tops) to ‘meet and greet’ swimmers and to take them onto our designated poolside area for registration.
Please arrive at least 15mins prior to the published warm up time.
Swimmer information forms:
Click here to download the Swimmer Information form
Please ensure this has been filled in and returned to Amy Godwin prior to the gala each season. If there are any changes to the information throughout the season please let us know asap so that we have up to date and correct information
Good luck and enjoy!
Email: amygodwincsc@outlook.com
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